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Location Ideas and Useful Links

beach wedding at sachuest beach

So, looking for some locations for a small wedding or elopement around Newport and southern RI? Here are some outdoor spots I recommend, all around Newport, Jamestown or Middletown. just do the google images thing..


in Jamestown... beavertail park or ft weatherhill...

in Middletown, paradise park (windmill, a nice little gazebo)

2nd beach (best beach around for photography!)

purgatory chasm (overlooks 2nd beach) nice rocks that are easy to walk on, and a cool bridge overlooking the chasm (there are limitations to this location... enforced 15 minute parking and only a few parking spots usually available). This location might be best for officiant only services...)


in Newport, king park pavilion on wellington ave (harbor views... nice spot for pics!)

fort adams in newport overlooking the harbor… old stone walls and piers

battery park on Washington st. also the fishing pier (junction of van zandt and Washington streets, both overlooking the harbor, goat island, and the Newport bridge), ocean drive and Brenton point park or right smack down town in trinity park/queen anne square!


how about a helicopter ride wedding?


indoor locations in Newport, B&B’s hotels and eating places that might host a small wedding.































Paradise Park (windmill, a nice little gazebo)


2nd beach (best beach around for photography!)


Kings Park Pavilion
















hotels near 2nd beach in the Newport/Middletown area..


comfort inn


newport beach hotel


wyndham resort


seabreeze inn


rhea's inn



Narragansett and Pt Judith



this link has the motherload of venue locations around the coast!


here are a few lower cost hotels...


Want a simple wedding at an off the grid scenic spot? attached is a screen capture of Brenton Point. the grassy area right at the point across from the monuments in the park is nice (#3), and so is the stone beach near the old stone jetty (#2), and past the park, the ocean side area from Harrison ave to Kings Beach Park have some possibilities (#4).


There is a cute little spot near Ft Adams that is off the beaten path.. and of course there is Ft Adams with plenty of neat spots around the fort, including the public piers.


Also Storer Park near the bridge to Goat Island is nice, with a big cement pier with great harbor views, and a cute little public gazebo adjacent to the causeway to Goat Island, and Ft Greene Park (Battery Park) and the fishing pier at the end of Van Zandt (off Washington St.) are nice in Newport.


In Middletown, the surfer end of 2nd beach has some great stone formations for our glacial past that are awesome backdrops for photography!

fall newport wedding downtown
brenton point newport
kings beach newport
Fort Adams Newport
Storer Park Newport
Surfers End Beach

Another great hidden in plain sight small ceremony location is just past the main entrance to Ft Wetherill in Jamestown. the remains of the once sprawling fort are now a public park, offering great views of  Ft Adams, Newport, and East Passage.. often filled with sailboats and powerboats. 

ft wetherill state park
ft wetherill jamestown
surfers in newport

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How to describe what we offer? cool beanserific lipsmackin lovequenchin motivatin goodbuzzin cooltalkin highwalkin fastlivin everlovin coolfizzin kneeslappin toetappin Newport weddings!

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