The Conch Shell is blown, calling all to good order. (...unsightly scratching and indelicate noises not withstanding...)
"TO ALL SAILORS WHEREVER YE MAY BE and to all Mermaids, Sea Serpents, Whales, Sharks, Dolphins, Skates, Eels, Lobsters, Crabs, and other Living Things of the Sea
Today, ye be gathered upon the shore of our sovereign, King Neptune's realm that ye may join your lives together and journey the 4 winds and 7 seas for all of your days, shipmates on the grand voyage of life!
Be it with extreme reverence for the offence of oath breaking that ye promise, swear and affirm the following, with the penalty of marooning upon a forgotten shore your eternal punishment for such a vile disgrace".... And onward we go with our very unique and one of a kind King Neptune Wedding Ceremony! There will be "argh" sounds, and threats to walk the plank if you don't uphold those very piratical vows that you will be exchanging!
Pirate hats and eye patches are welcome!
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